☕️ Mint TLDR - Sunday Recap #13
Juicy NFT, Social Token, and DAO news for the week of 11/29 🎉
What’s up Mint nation - happy Sunday! :)
Every Sunday, we’ll be issuing MINT TLDR, where we focus on our favorite stories around NFTs, social tokens, and DAOs.
You will find the coolest stories and biggest headlines here and easily digestible for you to enjoy with your morning coffee.
If you haven’t already, join Mint’s Discord + claim your free Season 3 Listener Badge that I distribute at the end of the month! There may or may not be rewards in the future. 😉
👇 Let’s dive in!👇
💎 NFTs
Budweiser changed its Twitter name to beer.eth and dropped their first NFT project, “Budverse Cans - Heritage Edition.” 👉 Read More
Artists can now deploy their own ERC-721 smart contracts on Foundation. 👉 Read More
DeadFellaz is dropping Deadfrenz. 👉 Read More
Sartoshi dropped his project, mfers. It’s a project of 10021 profile pictures drawn by sartoshi. So simple yet really cool. The collection sold out in 10 minutes. 👉 Read More
Camilla Russo’s book “The Infinite Machine: How an Army of Crypto Hackers is Building the Next Internet with Ethereum” is becoming a movie! 👉 Read More
The Matrix Avatars became the first 100,000 unique pfp project, selling on Nifty’s! And after a shaky couple of days with some technical issues, they sold out. I think that was expected since over 80K people were waiting to log in to the website. I’m excited to be a part of this big group of holders and see where this project will go! Be on the lookout on December 16th. 👉 Read More
🚀 Social Tokens
You can now migrate any social token to Polygon with one click with Coinvise! 👉 Read More
One37PM collaborated with Coinvise to create a “Monetization in Web3” Article that gives a rundown of the history as well as the issues that the web3 community still has to overcome. 👉 Read More
DystpoiaLabs, a Rarity-styled protocol for gamifying events & education, has released its social token in an effort to help new geographical regions, communities, and projects activate new friends together in Web3. 👉 Read More
🌐 DAOs
Ethereum Name Service airdropped $ENS tokens and turned itself into a DAO last month. Each holder of $ENS tokens was asked to choose a DAO delegate who would serve as a representative for the decisions ENS community would make. After being elected a DAO delegate for ENS, Coinbase has submitted its first protocol vote: another airdrop of $ENS tokens to even more users. 👉 Read More
SpiceDAO (formerly DuneDAO) raised $11.8 million to finalize the purchase of the famed Jodorowsky's Dune manuscript and was able to purchase it. However, DAO couldn’t raise enough ETH to buy the manuscript; thus the co-founder of the DAO Soban Saqib (who goes by "Soby") put his own money to complete the purchase. Now he is trying to fundraise more money so the community would buy it back from him. 👉 Read More
Elon Musk’s brother Kimbal Musk announced that he is launching Giving DAO to experiment in decentralized philanthropy. Philanthropy is not new in the space; last October, Médecins Sans Frontièrs (MSF) received $3.5 million worth of ETH. 👉 Read More
BadgerDAO is a DAO working on bringing Bitcoin to decentralized finance (DeFi). They have been the latest victim of a hacking attack, likely resulting in over $120M losses. 👉 Read More
InfoTokenDAO will scout and incubate experimental, research-based DeFi and NFT investing strategies. It’s a new initiative by Gabagool, and only 100 tokens will be sold. 👉 Read More
🐦 Twitter Threads Worth Reading

👹 Savage of the Week
Adidas entered the space with not only one, or two, or even three collaborations. They are entering the metaverse with Bored Ape Yacht Club, GMoney, Punks Comics and Sandbox Game. That’s a planned launch my friend.

🎙 Podcast Recap
Tuesday | Crypto OG Patricio Worthalter on Why POAP's Patricio Worthalter Bid $10 million on a CryptoPunk 👉 WATCH | LISTEN | READ
Thursday | Brett Shear aka BlockchainBrett of Palm Tree Crew on Betting on Culture: Why BlockchainBrett Is Buying Music NFTs 👉 WATCH | LISTEN | READ
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🤝 Support Season 3 Sponsors
1. COINVISE | Create your social token and easily mint NFTs. | coinvise.co
2. POAP | Mint non-fungible tokens related to meaningful events. | poap.xyz
3. SOCIALSTACK | Build mission-driven social token economies. | Socialstack.co
That’s a wrap. If you’d like to chat, you can follow the Author on Twitter here.
Enjoy your Sunday and we’ll see you next week :)
P.S. if you want to submit stories to be included in next week’s edition, you can do so here 👉 https://forms.gle/oQGRLNbQ6M2WWU826
Disclaimer: Investing in NFTs comes with inherent risk including technical risk, human error, platform failure and more. This newsletter is strictly educational and nothing we offer is financial advice. We are not professionals or licensed advisors. Views my own and not any other company I’m affiliated with.