☕️ Mint TLDR - Sunday Recap #6
Juicy NFT, Social Token, and DAO news for the week of 10/11 🎉
What’s up Mint nation - happy Sunday! :)
Every Sunday, we’ll be issuing MINT TLDR, where we focus on our favorite stories around NFTs, social tokens, and DAOs.
You will find the coolest stories and biggest headlines here and easily digestible for you to enjoy with your morning coffee.
If you haven’t already, join Mint’s Discord + claim your free Season 3 Listener Badge that I distribute at the end of the month! There may or may not be rewards in the future. 😉
👇 Let’s dive in!👇
💎 NFTs
Coinbase is soon launching an NFT marketplace with a social feed! In the last couple of weeks, with each new marketplace launch, we asked whether it could be the OpenSea killer. With 2 million+ signups in less than a few days, Coinbase’s NFT platform might make history. 👉 Read More
With POAP’s recent massive increase in users, things got a little interesting as bad actors are farming badges from events they didn't attend. As a result, the team put out a statement with a focus on scaling back operations and restrategizing their long term growth 👉 Read More
An anonymous person who is part of the Generative Art and Art Blocks communities donated around $3.5 million worth of ETH to Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders), an international humanitarian NGO offering medical help in conflict zones and countries affected by endemic diseases. 👉 Read More
Bored Ape Yacht Club signed with tech investor and music manager of Madonna and U2, Guy Oseary. The deal comes after the news that CryptoPunks signed with United Talent Agency. 👉 Read More
Fox Entertainment invested $100 million into its Blockchain Creative Labs division, and also just launched a line of NFTs based on their singing competition, The Masked Singer. They gave away 20,000 NFTs in less than a day. Next week, they will launch their marketplace for the holders to trade Masked Singer NFTs. 👉 Read More
🚀 Social Tokens
The first African NFT artist to be featured at Christie’s, Osinachi, created his whole collection using Microsoft Word. He is now creating a social token experience. The current Christie’s London exhibit attendees will earn $OSINA tokens (launched in 2020) by taking a picture with his art pieces and sharing it on Twitter. He is also the chief creative officer at Socialstack, a social token platform. 👉 Read More
New York-based social token company Roll announced that it raised $10 million in a Series A funding led by IOSG Ventures, Gary Vaynerchuk, Ryan Selkis. 👉 Read More
Daniel Allan, the famed independent artist who raised 50 ETH for his upcoming EP in 12 hours, dropped an experimentative EP on Catalog Works and launched a Party Bid for each one. With Party Bid, more than one person can own the NFT in question. Contributors will receive tokens proportional to the amount of ETH they use in the winning bid. Allan continues to experiment with how web3 primitives can create new paths for the music industry. 👉 Read More
🌐 DAOs
Introducing DAMN: Decentralized Autonomous Media Network. It’s a tokenized network owned by its users, with the single utility of creating and distributing media. They launched a crowdfund for 15 ETH and got 25 ETH to build DAMN. The mirror post says that “DAOs represent the next evolution of the corporation, DAMNs represent the next evolution of networked media.” 👉 Read More
Members of MakerDAO, one of the oldest projects in crypto, are pondering about regulation. Members raised concerns and told that if they had to pay taxes, nobody in the DAO could pay it. Anish Agnihotri from Paradigm tweeted, “Unpopular opinion perhaps: I think we'll have failed if DAOs need to register as LLCs in five years.” 👉 Read More
The collection of 10,000 DAO Turtles got delisted from OpenSea due to financialization concerns. OpenSea said the project broke its rules, as NFTs with tokens that guarantee you a stream of income could come to be viewed as securities. 👉 Read More
🐦 Twitter Threads Worth Reading

👹 Savage of the week
Patricio Worthalter placing a 2500 eth bid on Punk #6046.

🎙 Podcast Recap
Tuesday | Devin Finzer of OpenSea on OpenSea Governance Token, Mobile Apps, and The Future of NFTs 👉 WATCH | LISTEN | READ
Thursday | Dennison Bertram of Tally on What Creators Should Know About Decentralized Governance 👉 WATCH | LISTEN | READ
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🤝 Support Season 3 Sponsors
1. COINVISE | Create your social token and easily mint NFTs. | coinvise.co
2. POAP | Mint non-fungible tokens related to meaningful events. | poap.xyz
3. SOCIALSTACK | Build mission-driven social token economies. | Socialstack.co
That’s a wrap. You can follow the author here.
Enjoy your Sunday and we’ll see you next week :)
P.S. if you want to submit stories to be included in next week’s edition, you can do so here 👉 https://forms.gle/oQGRLNbQ6M2WWU826